When you contact me to inquire about the possibility of creating an index for you, I will be asking you about your index specifications.
SPECIFICATIONS INCLUDE: • Indented or run-in format • Format and placement of cross-references • Style of page ranges, for example 123-4 or 123-24 or 123-124 • Number of indexable pages • Inclusion of notes or illustrative material (maps, charts, photographs, etc.) • Chicago Manual of Style format or other publisher specifications • Date of delivery of final index
I am available to discuss your format and style requirements as needed. I welcome questions about indexing and want to answer any that you have.
I use CINDEX professional indexing software and work from final page proofs in print or PDF format. Indexing software is a tremendous help to the indexer because it formats the index and allows the indexer to sort and manipulate headings. However, indexing software does not create the index "automatically." The process of analyzing text and selecting, organizing, and connecting terms and concepts is the work of the human brain, and a software program is not able to do this.
Indexes tailored to your specifications
Always on-time delivery
Good grasp of anticipating the potential information needs of your audience
RATES Rates are determined on a per-page basis and vary depending upon level of detail required, density of material, project time frame, intended audience, and presence or absence of end notes / footnotes and illustrations. Rates are negotiable.
Up to two hours of editing at no charge is automatically included. If extensive editing is requested after completion of the index, there may be an additional charge.
Please contact me to request an estimate for your index.